
With Spectre due to be released soon, I wanted to take a look at old Bond movies and how well they were received on IMDB and the box office totals. To do this, the RVest and Selector Gadget package and plug in was used to collect data from the Wikipedia list of James Bond films. This solves the problem of adjusting for inflation and provides information about actor and release year very easily in a table.


Using the RVest and Selector Gadget plugin as I’ve outlined in a previous post, the table can be read in easily as was done below.


website <- ""

bond_wiki <- html(website)

# Get first table
bondTable <- html_table(bond_wiki, fill=T)[[1]]

# Look at table
kable(bondTable, align='c')
Title Year Bond actor Director Box office Budget Salary of Bond actor Box office Budget Salary of Bond actor
Actual $ (millions)[18][19] NA NA Adjusted 2005 $ (millions)[19] NA NA NA NA NA NA
Dr. No 1962 Connery, SeanSean Connery Young, TerenceTerence Young 59.5 1.1 0.1 448.8 7.0 0.6
From Russia with Love 1963 Connery, SeanSean Connery Young, TerenceTerence Young 78.9 2.0 0.3 543.8 12.6 1.6
Goldfinger 1964 Connery, SeanSean Connery Hamilton, GuyGuy Hamilton 124.9 3.0 0.5 820.4 18.6 3.2
Thunderball 1965 Connery, SeanSean Connery Young, TerenceTerence Young 141.2 6.8 0.8 848.1 41.9 4.7
You Only Live Twice 1967 Connery, SeanSean Connery Gilbert, LewisLewis Gilbert 101.0 10.3 0.8 + 25% net merch royalty 514.2 59.9 4.4 excluding profit participation
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service 1969 Lazenby, GeorgeGeorge Lazenby Hunt, Peter R.Peter R. Hunt 64.6 7.0 0.1 291.5 37.3 0.6
Diamonds Are Forever 1971 Connery, SeanSean Connery Hamilton, GuyGuy Hamilton 116.0 7.2 1.2 + 12.5% of gross (14.5) 442.5 34.7 5.8 excluding profit participation
Live and Let Die 1973 Moore, RogerRoger Moore Hamilton, GuyGuy Hamilton 126.4 7.0 n/a 460.3 30.8 n/a
man with !The Man with the Golden Gun 1974 Moore, RogerRoger Moore Hamilton, GuyGuy Hamilton 98.5 7.0 n/a 334.0 27.7 n/a
spy who !The Spy Who Loved Me 1977 Moore, RogerRoger Moore Gilbert, LewisLewis Gilbert 185.4 14.0 n/a 533.0 45.1 n/a
Moonraker 1979 Moore, RogerRoger Moore Gilbert, LewisLewis Gilbert 210.3 34.0 n/a 535.0 91.5 n/a
For Your Eyes Only 1981 Moore, RogerRoger Moore Glen, JohnJohn Glen 194.9 28.0 n/a 449.4 60.2 n/a
Octopussy 1983 Moore, RogerRoger Moore Glen, JohnJohn Glen 183.7 27.5 4.0 373.8 53.9 7.8
view !A View to a Kill 1985 Moore, RogerRoger Moore Glen, JohnJohn Glen 152.4 30.0 5.0 275.2 54.5 9.1
living !The Living Daylights 1987 Dalton, TimothyTimothy Dalton Glen, JohnJohn Glen 191.2 40.0 3.0 313.5 68.8 5.2
Licence to Kill 1989 Dalton, TimothyTimothy Dalton Glen, JohnJohn Glen 156.2 36.0 5.0 250.9 56.7 7.9
GoldenEye 1995 Brosnan, PiercePierce Brosnan Campbell, MartinMartin Campbell 351.9 60.0 4.0 518.5 76.9 5.1
Tomorrow Never Dies 1997 Brosnan, PiercePierce Brosnan Spottiswoode, RogerRoger Spottiswoode 338.9 110.0 8.2 463.2 133.9 10.0
world !The World Is Not Enough 1999 Brosnan, PiercePierce Brosnan Apted, MichaelMichael Apted 361.8 135.0 12.4 439.5 158.3 13.5
Die Another Day 2002 Brosnan, PiercePierce Brosnan Tamahori, LeeLee Tamahori 431.9 142.0 16.5 465.4 154.2 17.9
Casino Royale 2006 Craig, DanielDaniel Craig Campbell, MartinMartin Campbell 594.2 150.0 3.4 581.5 145.3 3.3
Quantum of Solace 2008 Craig, DanielDaniel Craig Forster, MarcMarc Forster 576.0 200.0 8.9 514.2 181.4 8.1
Skyfall 2012 Craig, DanielDaniel Craig Mendes, SamSam Mendes 1108.6[20] 150.0[21][22]—200.0[20] 17.0[23] 879.8 158.1 13.5
Spectre 2015 Craig, DanielDaniel Craig Mendes, SamSam Mendes            
Totals NA NA NA $5.9484 billion $1.2579 billion   $11.2965 billion $1.7039 billion  

Base Data from Wikipedia

From this, there is a number of problems to clean up.

  1. Remove first and last 2 rows of information that is not present or needed.
  2. Remove [].
  3. Remove columns that are not needed.
  4. Fix actor and director names.
  5. Remove data before ! in Title.

So fixing the first part is easy, specify rows to keep:

keepRows <- c(2:(nrow(bondTable)-2))
bondTable <- bondTable[keepRows,]

The next part is to remove the square brackets. This can be done using gsub and the apply function.

bondTable <- apply(bondTable, 2, function(x) gsub("\\[", "", x))
bondTable <- apply(bondTable, 2, function(x) gsub("\\]", "", x))
# put back as data frame
bondTable <- data.frame(bondTable, stringsAsFactors=F)

Removing the columns is just as easy as removing rows. From the Wikipedia page and our data frame:

##  [1] "Title"                  "Year"                  
##  [3] ""             "Director"              
##  [5] ""             "Budget"                
##  [7] ""   ""          
##  [9] "Budget.1"               ""

Matching this to Wikipedia:

  • Title
  • Year
  • Director
  • Budget.1

The .1 corresponds to prices adjusted inflation.

bondTable <- bondTable[,c(1,2,3,4,8,9)]

Next is to remove the double of the names of Bond actor and the director. The easiest way I can think of is to read in the text attributes using rvest and extract the information. This will extract more information and will need to use our previous knowledge to extract only the correct information.

The result of the nodes “.fn a”, gives actor then director. Since there are 23 movies at the time of writing, the first 46 indices are all that is needed.

act.dir <- html_text(html_nodes(bond_wiki, ".fn a"))
# Num movies
num.movies <- nrow(bondTable)

bondTable$ <- act.dir[seq(1, num.movies*2, 2)]
bondTable$Director <- act.dir[seq(2, num.movies*2, 2)]

The resulting data frame now looks like this:

kable(bondTable, align='c')
  Title Year Director Budget.1
2 Dr. No 1962 Sean Connery Terence Young 448.8 7.0
3 From Russia with Love 1963 Sean Connery Terence Young 543.8 12.6
4 Goldfinger 1964 Sean Connery Guy Hamilton 820.4 18.6
5 Thunderball 1965 Sean Connery Terence Young 848.1 41.9
6 You Only Live Twice 1967 Sean Connery Lewis Gilbert 514.2 59.9
7 On Her Majesty’s Secret Service 1969 George Lazenby Peter R. Hunt 291.5 37.3
8 Diamonds Are Forever 1971 Sean Connery Guy Hamilton 442.5 34.7
9 Live and Let Die 1973 Roger Moore Guy Hamilton 460.3 30.8
10 man with !The Man with the Golden Gun 1974 Roger Moore Guy Hamilton 334.0 27.7
11 spy who !The Spy Who Loved Me 1977 Roger Moore Lewis Gilbert 533.0 45.1
12 Moonraker 1979 Roger Moore Lewis Gilbert 535.0 91.5
13 For Your Eyes Only 1981 Roger Moore John Glen 449.4 60.2
14 Octopussy 1983 Roger Moore John Glen 373.8 53.9
15 view !A View to a Kill 1985 Roger Moore John Glen 275.2 54.5
16 living !The Living Daylights 1987 Timothy Dalton John Glen 313.5 68.8
17 Licence to Kill 1989 Timothy Dalton John Glen 250.9 56.7
18 GoldenEye 1995 Pierce Brosnan Martin Campbell 518.5 76.9
19 Tomorrow Never Dies 1997 Pierce Brosnan Roger Spottiswoode 463.2 133.9
20 world !The World Is Not Enough 1999 Pierce Brosnan Michael Apted 439.5 158.3
21 Die Another Day 2002 Pierce Brosnan Lee Tamahori 465.4 154.2
22 Casino Royale 2006 Daniel Craig Martin Campbell 581.5 145.3
23 Quantum of Solace 2008 Daniel Craig Marc Forster 514.2 181.4
24 Skyfall 2012 Daniel Craig Sam Mendes 879.8 158.1

The last step in cleaning up the data, is to remove the text before ! in the titles. I could not think of an easy and quick way to do this with an apply function so doing this with a loop and substr function.

idx <- grep("!", bondTable$Title)
if (length(idx) > 0) {
  for (k in 1:length(idx)) {
    str <- bondTable$Title[idx[k]]
    bondTable$Title[idx[k]] <- substr(str, gregexpr("!", str)[[1]][1] + 1, nchar(str))

This now gives us a cleaned data set to work on. The next part will be to merge with IMDB ratings of each movie.

IMDB Ratings

To get the IMDB ratings, a similar procedure will be followed as was done in a previous post about X-Files seaons. The database will be read in, but since we know the movie name and year, this will be searched for each movie and rating extracted.

fp <- "C:\\code\\web\\2015-05-18-XFiles-Season-Rating/ratings.list"
imdb.text <- readLines(fp)

The way the IMDB text is read in, there is a lot of white space. So this will be removed to make extracting data easier.

imdb.text <- gsub("\\s+", " ", sub("^\\s+", "", imdb.text))

The last bit of clean up is to remove TV shows, direct-to-video releases, and video games. TV shows either are labeled as (TV) or have {} in the string. Direct-to-videos are labeled as (V) and video games as (VG).

imdb.text <- imdb.text[!(grepl("\\{", imdb.text) & grepl("\\}", imdb.text))]
imdb.text <- imdb.text[!grepl("\\(TV\\)", imdb.text)]
imdb.text <- imdb.text[!grepl("\\(V\\)", imdb.text)]
imdb.text <- imdb.text[!grepl("\\(VG\\)", imdb.text)]

Now need to find each movie and get rating. This will be done by using grep to match on name and year.

getRating <- function(movInfo, db) {
  ratings <- -1 # Return negative rating if more than one match is found
  tmp <- db[grepl(movInfo[1], db) & grepl(movInfo[2], db)]
  if (length(tmp) == 1) {
    ratings <- as.numeric(as.character(strsplit(tmp, " ")[[1]][3]))

ratings <- apply(bondTable[, c('Title', 'Year')], 1, getRating, db=imdb.text)
# Check for multiple values
bondTable$Title[ratings == -1]
## [1] "Thunderball"

From the above, Thunderball has multiple entries, so lets find out what the multiples are.

imdb.text[grepl(bondTable$Title[ratings == -1], imdb.text) & 
            grepl(bondTable$Year[ratings == -1], imdb.text)]
## [1] "4...6..... 5 3.4 Mr. Thunderball (1965)"
## [2] "0000013200 72457 7.0 Thunderball (1965)"

From this, there are two movies with Thunderball in the title in 1965. It is easiest just to manually add this result to ratings.

ratings[ratings == -1] <- 7.0
bondTable$IMDB.Rating <- ratings


Clean up some values to make it easier to plot.

bondTable$ <- as.factor(bondTable$
bondTable$Director <- as.factor(bondTable$Director)
bondTable$ <- as.numeric(bondTable$
bondTable$Year <- as.numeric(bondTable$Year)

Plotting the data using ggplot2 package:

ggplot(bondTable, aes(x=Year, y=IMDB.Rating,,, label=Title)) + 
  geom_point() + geom_text(size=5, angle=-90, vjust=0.5, hjust=-0.09) +
  guides(color=guide_legend(title="Actor"), size=guide_legend(title="Box Office\nAdjusted for Inflation\n($USD)")) + 
  scale_x_continuous(limits=c(min(bondTable$Year),max(bondTable$Year)), breaks=bondTable$Year) + 
  scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0, 10), breaks=c(0,seq(5,10,0.5))) +
  theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,hjust=1,vjust=0.5,size=10)) +
  scale_colour_brewer(palette="Paired") +
  ylab("IMDB Rating") + ggtitle("IMDB Rating vs Year of James Bond Movies")