
Sometime ago, I wanted to analyse the lyrics in the Billboard Hot 100 over multiple years but never really knew what I wanted to actually look at. Recently, I scraped lyric data from a few websites to compile a complete set of lyrics from 1951 to 2015 and will look at average unique words through the years, although early years had ~30 songs. This has also let me play around with a few text mining packages, tm and SnowballC, although the later didn’t really use for this.

Most of the work for this was scraping and formatting the lyrics into a consistent format but that will not be shown here. The Billboard Hot 100 artist and song name was gathered from Wikipedia for years 1951-2015 and lyrics from various sources.

A Look at the Data

First, import the libraries to be used:



What we want to do is read each lyric and store it as a PlainTextDocument object to be used with tm. From that, the data can be cleaned and extracted for analysis.

# Data was part of a data frame before hand and was read in already
doc.vec <- VectorSource(top100$lyrics)
doc.corp <- Corpus(doc.vec)

First step is to set everything to lowercase:

doc.corp <- tm_map(doc.corp, content_transformer(tolower))

One issue that may be encountered is common words such as “you”, “a”, “the”, and such might want to be removed. A list of common words in english can be found using stopwords(“en”). Though, this can be done like before:

#doc.corp <- tm_map(doc.corp, removeWords, stopwords("en"))

Now, remove all the remove punctuations.

doc.corp <- tm_map(doc.corp, removePunctuation)

Removing all common words may not be what we want since words like “you” and “me” can define the song. By removing punctuation, the removed words should also have punctuation removed as well. With this, some common words can be removed:

doc.corp <- tm_map(doc.corp, removeWords, c("to","too", "i", "its","ill", "im", "a", "an", "and", "at", "are","on", "be", "the", "that", "for"))

Next part is to strip extra white space:

doc.corp <- tm_map(doc.corp, stripWhitespace)

Now to create a Document Term Matrix which will be used for analysis.

dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(doc.corp)

This now provides us with a basis to examin the lyrics with.

It is VERY IMPORTANT to note that the minimum word length is set to 3 by default. To change it, the call would be DocumentTermMatrix(doc.corp, control=list(wordLengths=c(1,Inf)) ), where 1 can be replaced with any minimum length.

There is much more that could of been done, such as stemming using the SnowballC package to remove affixes like “ing”, “ies”, and such from words to get at a root word. As well, could try to remove all common words provided by the stopwords(“en”) function.

Total Words

Using the Document Term Matrix, each row of the matrix:

top100$totWords <- rowSums(as.matrix(dtm))

ggplot(top100, aes(x=year, y=totWords)) + geom_boxplot() + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1, vjust=0.5))

The issue with this, is that certain songs may repeat the chorus multiple times but adding no more unique words.

Total Unique Words

dtm.m <- as.matrix(dtm)
dtm.m[dtm.m > 0] <- 1
top100$totUWords <- rowSums(dtm.m)

ggplot(top100, aes(x=year, y=totUWords)) + geom_boxplot() + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1, vjust=0.5))

Lets take a look at which songs had over 300 unique words:

kable(top100[top100$totUWords > 300, c(1,2,5,10,11)], align='c', row.names=F)
Artist Title year Total Words Total Unique Words
Bad Meets Evil Lighters 2011 563 317
Bill Hayes The Ballad of Davy Crockett 1955 557 314
Dem Franchize Boyz I Think They Like Me 2006 716 325
Drake Forever 2009 727 355
Drake Forever 2010 727 355
Eminem Sing for the Moment 2003 588 316
Eminem The Real Slim Shady 2000 697 308
Ludacris Pimpin All Over the World 2005 651 316
Luniz I Got 5 on It 1995 476 306
Master P Make Em Say Uhh 1998 656 324
Missy Elliott Gossip Folks 2003 516 321
Mo Thugs Ghetto Cowboy 1999 542 312
Puff Daddy Been Around the World 1998 798 377
Puff Daddy Victory 1998 613 365
The Game How We Do 2005 495 313
The Notorious BIG One More Chance 1995 553 304

It seems that rap music takes up the spots.

Top 25 Most Frequent Words

To take a look at the top 25 most frequented words:

kable(, n=25)), align='c', col.names=c("Frequency"))
Word Frequency
out 6290
she 6491
one 6521
down 6883
want 7094
youre 7837
yeah 8323
this 8567
now 8635
what 9273
get 9332
can 9337
got 9435
when 9788
but 10362
with 10601
just 11150
baby 11856
like 12258
know 13019
all 13946
dont 14010
your 17967
love 19155
you 77734

Since some frequent terms like you, your, youre, when, with, and other common terms are high up on the list, they should be removed at a later point and could be re-analysed. As well, minimum word length should be set to 1, then can do comparisons like ‘he’ vs ‘she’. At a later point I may look at this.

Update (2016-03-08) - Using stopwords(“en”) and Word Length 1 to Infinity

I wanted to give an update using stopwords(“en”) in full on this data set and word lengths from 1 to inifinity. Since the process is the same as above, I have not given much of

doc.vec <- VectorSource(top100$lyrics)
doc.corp <- Corpus(doc.vec)
# transform to lower then remove using stopwords
doc.corp <- tm_map(doc.corp, content_transformer(tolower))
# Remove all stop words
doc.corp <- tm_map(doc.corp, removeWords, stopwords("en"))
# Remove punctuation
doc.corp <- tm_map(doc.corp, removePunctuation)
# Remove extra white space
doc.corp <- tm_map(doc.corp, stripWhitespace)

# turn into document matrix
dtm.update <- DocumentTermMatrix(doc.corp, control=list(wordLengths=c(1,Inf)))

# Create with total words
dtm.update <- as.matrix(dtm.update)
top100$totWords.update <- rowSums(dtm.update)

ggplot(top100, aes(x=year, y=totWords.update)) + geom_boxplot() + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1, vjust=0.5))

# Top 25 words
kable(, n=25)), align='c', col.names=c("Frequency"))
Word Frequency
gonna 5358
way 5445
never 5670
let 5859
girl 5901
say 5916
cause 6012
see 6087
make 6155
time 6186
come 6189
one 6545
want 7115
go 7730
yeah 8332
now 8636
can 9337
get 9341
got 9439
just 11165
baby 11863
like 12263
oh 12996
know 13030
love 19163
# Create word cloud
wordcloud(names(dtm.update[1,]), colSums(as.matrix(dtm.update)), min.freq=4000)

# Create total unique words
dtm.U <- as.matrix(dtm.update)
dtm.U[dtm.U > 0] <- 1
top100$totUWords.update <- rowSums(dtm.U)

ggplot(top100, aes(x=year, y=totUWords.update)) + geom_boxplot() + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1, vjust=0.5))

# Top 25 words
kable(, n=25)), align='c', col.names=c("Frequency"))
Word Frequency
right 1784
take 1814
let 1824
yeah 1881
come 1908
want 1932
way 1977
never 2038
make 2043
say 2160
one 2208
baby 2229
cause 2233
go 2270
get 2280
time 2348
see 2362
oh 2503
got 2514
now 2708
can 2769
like 2910
just 3335
love 3449
know 3498
# Create word cloud
wordcloud(names(dtm.U[1,]), colSums(as.matrix(dtm.U)), min.freq=1500)