UPDATE: An updated list for 15 x 355 mL Bud Light can be found by clicking here.


When privitization of liquor stores comes up, Alberta is always shown as an example of how cheap and easily obtainable it is there. Although I can’t speak to the availability of it, I decided to take a quick look into the price of a commonly available beer at each province in Canada. To do this, a 24 can pack of Budweiser was chosen, and prices were obtained from retailer websites across Canada.


Data was gathered from provincial liquor control website or from retailers website if not available.

b.avg.df <- ddply(b.df, .(Province), summarise, avg.Price=mean(Cost.cad))

ggplot(b.avg.df, aes(x=Province, y=avg.Price)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + ggtitle("Cost of 24 cans Budweiser\n$CAD") + ylab("Price ($CAD)") + xlab("Province or Territory") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust=1), plot.title=element_text(hjust=0.5))

Original data:

kable(b.df, align='c')
Province Cost.cad Product Date Store Link
Qubec 29.99 24 Can of Budweiser 02/01/2017   Link
British Columbia 34.29 24 Can of Budweiser 02/01/2017 BC Liquor Link
Saskachewan 42.99 24 Can of Budweiser 02/01/2017 Sask Liquor Link
Manitoba 40.31 24 Can of Budweiser 02/01/2017 MLCC Link
Ontario 45.95 24 Can of Budweiser 02/01/2017 BeerStore Link
New Bruinswick 42.65 24 Can of Budweiser 02/01/2017 NB Liquor Link
Nova Scotia 43.95 24 Can of Budweiser 02/01/2017 NSLC Link
Newfound Land and Labrador 52.13 24 Can of Budweiser 02/01/2017 NLL Liquor Link
Prince Edward Island 45.39 24 Can of Budweiser 02/01/2017 Liquor PEI Link
Yukon 45.20 24 Can of Budweiser 02/01/2017 YLC Link
Alberta 47.99 24 Can of Budweiser 02/01/2017 Liquor Depot/Barn Link
Alberta 47.99 24 Can of Budweiser 02/01/2017 Sobeys Link
Northwest Territories NA        
Nunavut NA        

Edit (2018-12-26) Updated links to be clickable to reduce space in table, instead of full url